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Gratin Dauphinois Recipe

Gratin dauphinois

Preparation time
Cooking time


  • 1kg desire potatoes, peeled and washed
  • 1.5 litres cream
  • Half a bunch of thyme
  • Half a head of garlic
  • Salt and pepper
  • A handful of parmesan cheese


  1. Slice potatoes into ½cm thick slices.
  2. Reduce the cream by one third with thyme and garlic.
  3. Pass through a sieve and discard thyme and garlic, then add salt and pepper.
  4. Bring the cream back to the boil.
  5. When boiling, add the sliced potatoes and keep on low heat for 8-10 minutes, just enough for the potatoes to cook slightly.
  6. Drain the potatoes into a colander, making sure to catch the cream in a stainless steel bowl.
  7. In a 5cm deep tray, put the potatoes in layers, and keep doing it until they reach the top of the tray.
  8. Just cover with the reduced cream, and put in a warm oven (170ºC) for 1½ hours. The top should be golden.
  9. Add the parmesan and put it back in the oven under the grill to gratin the cheese.

Note: This dish is best served the next day by slowly reheating in the oven