Top things to do at home this Easter
The Easter long weekend is normally a time to pack the trunk and hit the road for a cosy getaway somewhere with the family, or gathering around the table for a traditional meal of fresh seafood.
This year however, with more families holidaying at home, we thought we’d share some of our favourite ways to while away the time, either by yourself or those nearest and dearest to you. Without further ado, put these at the top of your to-do list this Easter holidays!

Board Games
Now’s a great time to dust off that dog-eared box of Monopoly you swore you’d never play again, but that’s not the only game in town. Besides all-time classics like Trivial Pursuit, Scrabble, Boggle and so forth, there are a tonne of modern games with a lot to offer anyone who loves to play – including some to save for when the kids are tucked away in bed. Cards Against Humanity has been a huge hit for years running now – especially amongst those who enjoy a dash of transgressive humour – but we recommend giving something like Settlers of Catan (also known simply as Catan) a go. One of the first German-style board games to achieve breakthrough success outside Europe, it’s a gripping and strategic game of exploration, settlement, resource management and trading that will keep you engaged for hours. Or, you could always snap up our Stay In & Enjoy selection, which features our very own limited edition trivia game, Vino Victory, along with a bonus Wine Party Tasting Kit and Wine Selectors Recipe Collection!
Ideal wine match: We recommend something full-bodied enough to stand up to the fireworks of the inevitable family feud – try a Shiraz or Chardonnay.

Backyard Picnic
It’s time to make hay while the sun shines, and if you have a yard of any size – or even a balcony – we recommend taking full advantage of the still-balmy Autumn weather by having yourself a little backyard picnic this Easter. Pop your favourite tunes on, pack the basket, spread the blanket, kick back and let the afternoon drift by over as many courses as you see fit to prepare… with a handy ice bucket of beautifully beaded bubbly in easy reach, naturally.
Ideal wine match: Make it something spritzy and uplifting, like Moscato or Prosecco.

One of the biggest selling items over the last month or so has been the classic jigsaw puzzle. With literally endless options for creative mindfulness to pursue – from simple 100-piece pictures to 1000+ piece Impressionist reconstructions – there are few better ways to spend an evening than experiencing the satisfaction that comes from making everything fit together.
Ideal wine match: You want the puzzle to be the complicating factor, so make your wine pick something simple and delicious – we suggest Merlot or Sauvignon Blanc.

Have a recipe you’ve been longing to try out but simply haven’t had the time? What better opportunity than the lazy days of the Easter long weekend! Polish your cuisine chops and pass a few spare hours learning to prepare something that’ll wow your family’s tastebuds. There’s no shortage of delectable recipes out there on the internet (or gathering dust on your shelves!) to explore, but you can’t go wrong by starting with our very own Selector. Check out its extensive archive of recipes from award-winning chefs here, and discover an irresistible collection of go-to recipes that you’ll return to again and again.
Ideal wine match: When cooking, its handy to have something versatile at hand to bring a little extra shine to the experience, or the dish you’re preparing! We’d recommend a medium-bodied Shiraz or a yummy Pinot G.

Digital dinner party
For all those who miss spending time with family and friends, follow the lead of countless others and embrace the modern age with a digital dinner party! With breakthrough communications platforms Zoom, FaceTime or even Skype, it’s never been easier to connect with the ones you love over a group video chat. Whether you prepare different meals or task each other to give a particular dish a spin, it’s a great way to keep in touch and catch up on the things that matter in your lives… and you don’t have to worry what others will think about the state of your kitchen!
Ideal wine match: This one is entirely up to you, depending on what you’re cooking up. Check out our classic Food and Wine Pairing guides for inspiration!

Read a book
If you’re exhausted by the prospect of yet another bout of binge-watching – and from what we’re hearing, that’s certainly possible – it’s hard to beat going back to basics with a good book. Wine lovers have no shortage of great titles to explore, across both fiction and non-fiction genres, whether it be The Secret of Santa Vittoria or Secrets of the Sommeliers. So stretch out on the couch with your feet up or light a candle and run a bath, and immerse yourself in our specially curated list of stone-cold classic wine books.
Ideal wine match: Engage your brain with something of matching depth and complexity, like a Tasmanian Sparkling or Pinot Noir.

It’s important over a period like this to engage in more physical activity than simply running back and forth from the kitchen – especially if you’ve been spending a lot of time working from home. Take care of your body and your mind with basics like a good stretch, or take a stroll through an uncrowded area close to you for a spot of exercise. One thing that many have been doing is beginning a yoga practice in the comfort of home. There are a plethora of practitioners out there making their classes available, so put on something loose and comfortable and gift your body with a little exercise.
Ideal wine match: Taking care of yourself means taking care of yourself. We recommend a nice big 1 litre glass bottle of water as the ideal match to this particular activity!
Wishing you all a safe and happy Easter, from everyone in the Wine Selectors family.