Life All Travel Destinations Entertaining Food All Chefs Recipes Restaurants Wine Pairing Food News Wine All Wine 101 Wine News Wine Regions Wine Varietals Wineries Home > Selector Magazine > Food > Manu Feildel’s boudin of scallops on a bed of spinach with crab bisque sauce Food Manu Feildel’s boudin of scallops on a bed of spinach with crab bisque sauce Preparation time Cooking time Serves 8 INGREDIENTS 250g flathead fillets, boned & skinless 250g scallops 90g egg whites 350ml pouring cream Salt to taste 1 large tomato 500g spinach Chervil sprigs Crustacean bisque – (see recipe following) Crustacean Bisque 1L Blue swimmer crab stock 250ml pure cream 50g butter Salt and pepper METHOD Place the flathead and egg white in food processor and mix until smooth. Mix fish paste and cream in a bowl until combined, add salt to taste and to tighten the mix. Place 100 grams of the mix on a piece of gladwrap, roll it to a sausage shape and tie a knot at each end, repeat for rest of mix. Poach the boudin for 7 minutes in a pot of water at 90ºC or just under simmer stage. Peel and dice the flesh of the tomato. Blanch the spinach. Make the crustacean bisque sauce. On the plate, pour a little of the crustacean bisque, place some of the spinach in the middle, the boudin on the top and to finish a sprig of chervil and diced tomato. Crustacean Bisque Reduce the crab stock by half. Add cream and reduce to ideal consistency (it should coat the back of a spoon). Whisk in butter and add seasoning. Food Serves 8 Shop Dessert Wine Discover more Dessert recipes Food Dave Pynt And The Fires Of Creation Words by Nick Ryan on 7 Jan 2025 Food Chocolate soufflé with Shiraz syrup Food Madeleines with chocolate cherry sauce & candied orange praline